If you’re new to BlogLaughs, please don’t think all of our reviews are negative.
On the other hand, almost all of our reviewers took their claws out when it came to raymitheminx.
Canada’s best and most humourous blog managed one of our lowest scores.
“She updates a lot and I love that her cat makes an appearance in a lot of her pictures.”
“What exactly is the content? Raymi is all over the place. She is more photoblog than humor blog. Her content is boring, insipid rantings and ravings from an extremely immature mind. Who wants to read her IM messages? She is not funny and the humor she attempts to provide now and then is forced. Plus, 499 pictures of Raymi is not exactly what I call content. Delving into her archives, she places a lot of topless pics on her blog. I suppose she needed to draw an audience. Her writing wasn't going to do it, that's for sure. Things such as "some crazy bitch is posing as me on myspace!!!!!!! go tell her off please." are so horribly immature.”
“Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but aside from pictures and web design, and how she looks young and hip and slightly edgy, I'm not sure if she has anything compelling to say.”
“I didn't find this blogger to be entertaining as much as I found her to remind me of my 23 year old, overly-entitled, whiney cousin. In my head, as I read this blogger's words, my cousin's voice was in my head reading it as a narrator.”
“Maybe I am just too old to appreciate this blog? I don't know. I have tried to understand the appeal, I really have. I just don't get it.”
“Anytime I come across one of these famous ‘award-winning’ blogs, I try to approach them with the assumption that, in some way, they're worthy of an award. Sometimes, I am rewarded for thinking such things. In the case of raymitheminx, though, all I can say is 'Holy Christ, WTF?' If this is Canada's Top Blogger, perhaps the US needs to annex and subsequently destroy the whole country. I dug through her archives, trying to find some hint as to why raymitheminx would be, in any way, a 'top humor blog' and ended up sorely disappointed. It seems to me that the site gets hits strictly because Raymi is willing to take her top off now and then, not because of her writing. Her posts are excruciatingly hard to read and 80 percent of the time they contain absolutely pointless drivel. Personally, I'm not willing to sift through mounds of worthless crap just to get to a shaky picture of some Canadian chick's flat chest.”
“There were a couple of funny gems in the writing, but my scoring is weighing heavily on the nice pictures.”
“Merely mentioning that you saw a movie does not a review make.”
“I don't think her blog is relatable for folks over 29. As it is, she's pushing that unenthusiastic, hostility point that most immature Emo kids pass at what? 19?”
DESIGN – 3.9
“I'm not a big fan of large images tiled as a background or wickedly long sidebars, but I realize she's trying to do her own thing here and I'm cool with that.”
“Hold on, I'm still waiting for my eyes to quit rolling back in their sockets in loathing.”
“Like her content, her Web page is all over the place. Going to her page was like a bad acid trip. Her sidebar is cluttered with so much garbage! Ads, thinks that blink. Ridiculous pics. More pics of herself. More ads. It's probably the worst Web site design I have ever seen. Her header, like the rest of her blog, smacks of her self-love trip. Oh, and lest we forget, the Pepto Bismol pink with the magenta writing shoved all the way over to the left in one long tedious column. Yeah. That's appealing.”
“I like the background, and the colors work well with this girl's personality. The only thing I hope she changes is how the text is aligned. Widen that shit up!”
“I hate everything about it. It makes my head hurt. I think my eyes are bleeding.”
“The sidebar is a mess. Since there are no labels for the sections of her blog, I thought the blogroll was some nutso inside joke or weird ass advertisement.”
"Despite the relatively attractive (assumedly original) artwork which adorns the background of the page (and the header), the page design as a whole is pretty basic and the page can be annoying to navigate. While I'm of the opinion that the sidebar exists more for the blog owner to get around to places than for the blog reader to do so, I still found myself annoyed by the jumble of absolute crap in the sidebar on raymitheminx.”
“I think she changes thing up quite a bit, but it’s God-awful ugly and not very functional.”
“It's horribly written … if you can even call it writing.”
“One rarely sees such a callous disregard for punctuation and capitalization.”
“It's a bit rambling at times. However, I'm also a fan of blogs that carry a conversational tone, which contributed to my score.”
“This being my first Bloglaughs review, I didn't want to come across as 'too harsh' but this chick seriously comes off as an idiot. She uses absolutely no punctuation and misspells (intentionally, perhaps) way too many words for my liking. I also reiterate my comment on her content -- her writings are mostly pointless.”
“Her prose is nothing to write home about.”
“The lack of capitalization and punctuation makes for a slightly annoying read.”
“What does this chick have against commas? The random all caps words are more annoying than effective in keeping the reader interested. e.e. cummings called and wants his capital letters back.”
“Her writing is alright, but she makes little sense. Her grammar consists of a lot of made up words, abbreviations and a complete disregard for punctuation. It reads like a child or a very angst ridden teenager wrote it. A teenager that dropped out of junior high, I might add. Sample? ‘the highlight of the nite was giving the finger to this girl's throw-away camera behind her and her two poseur friends fil was all WHO ARE YOU FLIPPING OFF i said dude they won't know until they develop the film i'm a coward like that.’ Yes. Let's hear it for the run on sentences!”
“The only person I knew who could get away with the ‘no capitalization’ thing was e.e. cummings, and well, this blogger is no e.e. cummings.”
“This blog would be much better if she just posted pictures and didn’t write at all.”
“For some reason, I had a really tough time trying to access the archives.”
“She has millions of fans I'm sure, so my negative comments won't make a difference.”
“I found it amusing that this blogger would mention on their 'about me' blog her suspicions on how she won best diarist because Dooce didn't mention it on her blog. I feel I have somehow tainted Heather Armstrong by even referencing this blogger and Dooce in the same sentence.”
“I don't understand why people read this. This is the blog equivalent of projectile vomiting.”
“I liked the pictures, but it took some time for them all to load. I'd suggest narrowing the scope of the main page and using the archives feature to your advantage. All the GIF's in the sidebar didn't help things either.”
“Normally, I’m all for posting pictures of one’s crotch. This time, I don’t think so.”
“I've heard of her before … back when her loyal followers were stumping for votes for the ‘Best Diarist’ award she ended up winning. I didn't understand it than and I don't understand it now. Maybe it's all the pictures of her?”
“Everything about this page annoys me. She strikes me as the type of person I wouldn't save from a fire. Her face is even irritating. I like her cat cartoon at the bottom of the page. The one that vomits on her face.”
“This blog has won awards? How many people can this chick afford to blackmail?”
“There are hints in her writings that she may be playing a character and the whole ‘stupid girl’ act is just that: an act but I don't buy it. Even at her best (and these posts are very hard to come by), she still comes off as a self-absorbed drunk with no clear concept of punctuation and a shaky handle on reality. Seriously, if this is the kind of blogging that's required to achieve great numbers of readers, I'll gladly toil in obscurity.”
“The whole thing is one big pet peeve. I’m sure I’m not the only one giving her a zero here.”
“Like it or not, raymitheminx posts everyday.”
“Probably not. It's good, but it's not exactly my thing. I'd probably hop over there every once in a while though.”
“Hell no.”
“No way in hell. I wish I hadn't read it for this review.”
“Dear God, I'd rather shove a hot curling iron up my own ass, sans lube.”
“I won't be reading this blog regularly. It wasn't bad though, and I suggest others to have a look, because I can see it having some appeal for certain people -- just not me.”
OVERALL – 45.7
On the other hand, almost all of our reviewers took their claws out when it came to raymitheminx.
Canada’s best and most humourous blog managed one of our lowest scores.
“She updates a lot and I love that her cat makes an appearance in a lot of her pictures.”
“What exactly is the content? Raymi is all over the place. She is more photoblog than humor blog. Her content is boring, insipid rantings and ravings from an extremely immature mind. Who wants to read her IM messages? She is not funny and the humor she attempts to provide now and then is forced. Plus, 499 pictures of Raymi is not exactly what I call content. Delving into her archives, she places a lot of topless pics on her blog. I suppose she needed to draw an audience. Her writing wasn't going to do it, that's for sure. Things such as "some crazy bitch is posing as me on myspace!!!!!!! go tell her off please." are so horribly immature.”
“Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but aside from pictures and web design, and how she looks young and hip and slightly edgy, I'm not sure if she has anything compelling to say.”
“I didn't find this blogger to be entertaining as much as I found her to remind me of my 23 year old, overly-entitled, whiney cousin. In my head, as I read this blogger's words, my cousin's voice was in my head reading it as a narrator.”
“Maybe I am just too old to appreciate this blog? I don't know. I have tried to understand the appeal, I really have. I just don't get it.”
“Anytime I come across one of these famous ‘award-winning’ blogs, I try to approach them with the assumption that, in some way, they're worthy of an award. Sometimes, I am rewarded for thinking such things. In the case of raymitheminx, though, all I can say is 'Holy Christ, WTF?' If this is Canada's Top Blogger, perhaps the US needs to annex and subsequently destroy the whole country. I dug through her archives, trying to find some hint as to why raymitheminx would be, in any way, a 'top humor blog' and ended up sorely disappointed. It seems to me that the site gets hits strictly because Raymi is willing to take her top off now and then, not because of her writing. Her posts are excruciatingly hard to read and 80 percent of the time they contain absolutely pointless drivel. Personally, I'm not willing to sift through mounds of worthless crap just to get to a shaky picture of some Canadian chick's flat chest.”
“There were a couple of funny gems in the writing, but my scoring is weighing heavily on the nice pictures.”
“Merely mentioning that you saw a movie does not a review make.”
“I don't think her blog is relatable for folks over 29. As it is, she's pushing that unenthusiastic, hostility point that most immature Emo kids pass at what? 19?”
DESIGN – 3.9
“I'm not a big fan of large images tiled as a background or wickedly long sidebars, but I realize she's trying to do her own thing here and I'm cool with that.”
“Hold on, I'm still waiting for my eyes to quit rolling back in their sockets in loathing.”
“Like her content, her Web page is all over the place. Going to her page was like a bad acid trip. Her sidebar is cluttered with so much garbage! Ads, thinks that blink. Ridiculous pics. More pics of herself. More ads. It's probably the worst Web site design I have ever seen. Her header, like the rest of her blog, smacks of her self-love trip. Oh, and lest we forget, the Pepto Bismol pink with the magenta writing shoved all the way over to the left in one long tedious column. Yeah. That's appealing.”
“I like the background, and the colors work well with this girl's personality. The only thing I hope she changes is how the text is aligned. Widen that shit up!”
“I hate everything about it. It makes my head hurt. I think my eyes are bleeding.”
“The sidebar is a mess. Since there are no labels for the sections of her blog, I thought the blogroll was some nutso inside joke or weird ass advertisement.”
"Despite the relatively attractive (assumedly original) artwork which adorns the background of the page (and the header), the page design as a whole is pretty basic and the page can be annoying to navigate. While I'm of the opinion that the sidebar exists more for the blog owner to get around to places than for the blog reader to do so, I still found myself annoyed by the jumble of absolute crap in the sidebar on raymitheminx.”
“I think she changes thing up quite a bit, but it’s God-awful ugly and not very functional.”
“It's horribly written … if you can even call it writing.”
“One rarely sees such a callous disregard for punctuation and capitalization.”
“It's a bit rambling at times. However, I'm also a fan of blogs that carry a conversational tone, which contributed to my score.”
“This being my first Bloglaughs review, I didn't want to come across as 'too harsh' but this chick seriously comes off as an idiot. She uses absolutely no punctuation and misspells (intentionally, perhaps) way too many words for my liking. I also reiterate my comment on her content -- her writings are mostly pointless.”
“Her prose is nothing to write home about.”
“The lack of capitalization and punctuation makes for a slightly annoying read.”
“What does this chick have against commas? The random all caps words are more annoying than effective in keeping the reader interested. e.e. cummings called and wants his capital letters back.”
“Her writing is alright, but she makes little sense. Her grammar consists of a lot of made up words, abbreviations and a complete disregard for punctuation. It reads like a child or a very angst ridden teenager wrote it. A teenager that dropped out of junior high, I might add. Sample? ‘the highlight of the nite was giving the finger to this girl's throw-away camera behind her and her two poseur friends fil was all WHO ARE YOU FLIPPING OFF i said dude they won't know until they develop the film i'm a coward like that.’ Yes. Let's hear it for the run on sentences!”
“The only person I knew who could get away with the ‘no capitalization’ thing was e.e. cummings, and well, this blogger is no e.e. cummings.”
“This blog would be much better if she just posted pictures and didn’t write at all.”
“For some reason, I had a really tough time trying to access the archives.”
“She has millions of fans I'm sure, so my negative comments won't make a difference.”
“I found it amusing that this blogger would mention on their 'about me' blog her suspicions on how she won best diarist because Dooce didn't mention it on her blog. I feel I have somehow tainted Heather Armstrong by even referencing this blogger and Dooce in the same sentence.”
“I don't understand why people read this. This is the blog equivalent of projectile vomiting.”
“I liked the pictures, but it took some time for them all to load. I'd suggest narrowing the scope of the main page and using the archives feature to your advantage. All the GIF's in the sidebar didn't help things either.”
“Normally, I’m all for posting pictures of one’s crotch. This time, I don’t think so.”
“I've heard of her before … back when her loyal followers were stumping for votes for the ‘Best Diarist’ award she ended up winning. I didn't understand it than and I don't understand it now. Maybe it's all the pictures of her?”
“Everything about this page annoys me. She strikes me as the type of person I wouldn't save from a fire. Her face is even irritating. I like her cat cartoon at the bottom of the page. The one that vomits on her face.”
“This blog has won awards? How many people can this chick afford to blackmail?”
“There are hints in her writings that she may be playing a character and the whole ‘stupid girl’ act is just that: an act but I don't buy it. Even at her best (and these posts are very hard to come by), she still comes off as a self-absorbed drunk with no clear concept of punctuation and a shaky handle on reality. Seriously, if this is the kind of blogging that's required to achieve great numbers of readers, I'll gladly toil in obscurity.”
“The whole thing is one big pet peeve. I’m sure I’m not the only one giving her a zero here.”
“Like it or not, raymitheminx posts everyday.”
“Probably not. It's good, but it's not exactly my thing. I'd probably hop over there every once in a while though.”
“Hell no.”
“No way in hell. I wish I hadn't read it for this review.”
“Dear God, I'd rather shove a hot curling iron up my own ass, sans lube.”
“I won't be reading this blog regularly. It wasn't bad though, and I suggest others to have a look, because I can see it having some appeal for certain people -- just not me.”
OVERALL – 45.7
time for raymi to move to the US
all the other funny canadians do.
obviously canada doesn't appreciate good humor
which is why all the comedians defect.
we are happy to have them -- speaking as a defected funny canadian living in SF that is.
good luck with your haircuts canada! at least those are funny.
merkley???, at February 05, 2007 10:17 AM
but then again -- she won - probably americans votiing though -- you're just all jealous.
merkley???, at February 05, 2007 10:19 AM
Are you girls just mad because you are fatties?
Word verifcation is gay
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:23 AM
hopefully they will make some new friends out of all this?
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 10:25 AM
It takes a big person to talk all that smack and hide like you do. Where is your shitty little blog?
Word verification -->
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:25 AM
this is the first time i ever read words on a page where i could actually hear wheezing -- OF COURSE THEY ARE FAT!
merkley???, at February 05, 2007 10:27 AM
Raymi - I guess you need to start writing about world politics and using spell check. Oh and dont post anymore photos because that is just 'THilly' and unsophisticated.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:29 AM
the best is when they said my face is annoying and they wouldn't save me from a fire, i'm sorry even if some nasty rapist was screaming for help i would drop my shit and help him and they say I am immature? pfft. this is the worst review ever as in shitty as in SINGLE AND LONELY FOREVER.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 10:29 AM
Why do fatties hate pretty girls so much Merkley? I work with a fatty and she loves chocolate.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:30 AM
these people never leave the house -- how the fuck would they know if there even was a fire from which to save you?
merkley???, at February 05, 2007 10:32 AM
Saying that you would not save someone from a fire is some cold blooded shit. You people are mean nnd fat and have zits I bet. and smelly 'down theres' too.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:35 AM
where are the words i spell incorrectly? that's bollocks. when it comes to spelling i am boss. also you fucking ee cummings fan, im bipolar, run-on is my thing and to play the name-dropping genetics card, i am a relative of jack kerouac so go masturbate in the mirror or something.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 10:36 AM
me, at February 05, 2007 10:36 AM
Look I misspelled 'and' Oh my god I AM SO EMBARRASSED!!! Now no one is going to save me from a fire!
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:37 AM
Masterbating with a vibrator taped to a stick is how fatties reach it.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:39 AM
i didn't know blogging was about being saved from fires. i guess i'll burn with my 1.2 readers, heh.
but i do love how schoolyard douchebags use the word "review" in order to put other people down. the only thing this served as, is a review for your site and how i certainly don't see any substance in your reviews. i'm rambling but i'm on a roll...
the first thing you are taught in intelligence training, i.e. university, is that ad hominem attacks are uncouth. ya know, if you're so concerned with personal conduct and all.
ok bye.
me, at February 05, 2007 10:42 AM
like anybody reads this crud anyway
merkley???, at February 05, 2007 10:43 AM
I tried to get though the tanget of nyah nyah nyah and wah wah wah and I am such a wannabe and I know I am but what are you crapp that is this review but I couldn't.
I love Raymi and Merkley, they make me laugh. Try it, you might like it.
Wendy, at February 05, 2007 10:44 AM
the sad thing is i am not the only one they have "reviewed" before, wow that's a lot of observations and opinions with nothing at all to offer what a waste of time.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 10:47 AM
I need to find a happy place...
Everything Nice, at February 05, 2007 10:48 AM
Raymi - I bet they would like your blog if you posted more about Cake and cookies. Nutter butters and Hostess Ding Dongs, fried candybars and marshmellow stuffing.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:50 AM
Hello emma, you are in a happy place now.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:51 AM
Thank you all for your opinions. I did want to clear up a few things.
We are a group of about 70 bloggers who review sites for humor content. The comments in this post are not simply the opinion of one or two people.
The goal of our blog is to help people find good blogs. While this site did not appeal to the majority of our reviewers, I'm sure some of our readers enjoy your site.
Thanks again for stopping by.
BlogLaughs, at February 05, 2007 10:51 AM
why are you all anonymous cowards then?
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 10:53 AM
Being anonymous doesn't make one a coward.
BlogLaughs, at February 05, 2007 10:55 AM
hello ms. bloglaughs! where do you get the quotes and why are they anonymous? If you do not attach an author to a quote it is libel.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 10:57 AM
I'm not anonymous at all. In fact, I am not bereft to say I am quite out there...
and then some.
Do Canadians really say bollocks?
Everything Nice, at February 05, 2007 10:58 AM
-----> not a bloglaughs member.
but I did sleep at the Holiday Inn last night.
oooo. or maybe it was a bush outside the holiday inn
Everything Nice, at February 05, 2007 10:59 AM
Can I join the bloglaughs staff? You need some people that are not mean and fat.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 11:02 AM
Me: At least half of our members are men, including me.
BTW, you need to look up "libel" again.
BlogLaughs, at February 05, 2007 11:03 AM
hm i guess you losers have a lot of time on your hands? way to be over critical and fucking lame. raymi is awesome.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:05 AM
So you guys couldnt think of one nice thing to say? You need to change your name to fuckyouihateyou.blogspot.com
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 11:08 AM
Raymi is funny, smart, interesting and hot.
I guess that would be intimidating to insecure little reviewers.
Robin Alexa, at February 05, 2007 11:09 AM
i get that people do not "get" or enjoy my blog or me personally but it is no coincidence that these such people are the ones who had sandwiches thrown at them in highschool, NOT MY FAULT. nayway bloglaughs where's your extensive personal blog, yeah? archives? empty vessels make the most noise.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 11:09 AM
"i'm sorry even if some nasty rapist was screaming for help i would drop my shit and help him and they say I am immature?"
Don't I recall a post about attacking a homeless person? Using racial slurs? Insulting huge sections of the population? Insulting anyone who has the audacity to "go to university"? I don't like your blog because of the generalizations, not because of the style.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:14 AM
Personally, I've never had a sandwich thrown at me. I can't speak for the rest of the reviewers, though.
BlogLaughs, at February 05, 2007 11:17 AM
I got hit in the face once by a ham sandwich. It made a slappy sound and was funny.
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 11:19 AM
I AM a reviewer here and it was embarrasing to see how hateful some (most?) of the other reviewers are.
I understand how some people might not like certain blogs, but I can't believe they're so narrow-minded as to believe that just because THEY don't like it that nobody else would either. I mean, look at me - I got my ass slammed in my review last week, but do I care? Hell no. If anything you're going to get more readers as a result of any review - good or bad - you're definitely not going to get any LESS...so f*ck it!
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:22 AM
racial slurs like native? im sorry native isn't racist. any other racial "slur" was not and is never said in a damning tone ever and yes i kicked a homeless man cos he accosted me and called me a lying fucking cunt and followed me and he punched me back anyway. yes violence is not the answer whatever that was bad timing all around. what the hell does that have to do with you? i dont insult anyone who has the audacity to go to university i make fun of the stereotypical select few who blow through it drinking and partying the entire time and laud it over those who chose not to go and thrust book smarts like it is the end all be all and have an inflated sense of self, you can go to university all you want i don't care just don't be a cock about it, simple right?
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 11:23 AM
I find my crusty winter boogers more compelling than her blog... as well as her whiney comments. Boo-to-the-HOO.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:23 AM
University is brainwashing you pay for.
Robin Alexa, at February 05, 2007 11:26 AM
Bloglaughs, what the hell are you reviewing blogs for? Blog reviewing is beyond lame unless done by friends, blogs are people writing about whatever they want. So what if not every blog has amazing gramar, so what if the select audience of this blog happen to be cunty about other blogs for not being "proper" as well as having a different layout, why don't we just go back to highschool and judge people for what they are wearing. Do you realize the wasted pretentiousness on a blog review of someone who doesn't fit your stereotypically boring blog criteria?
Bloglaughs gets 10 out of 10 for useless rantings about other people's shit.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:35 AM
not to mention the majority of the blogs they "review" aren't even funny i mean they are fans of dooce, that's a red flag right there, she's queen beacon for the nerd revolt. ps everyone whining about my text being all columned to the left you are viewin my blog in IE why not joining the year 2007 fuck, 2005 even, and look at it in mozilla.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 11:45 AM
Reviewing blogs is for people who can't think of anything interesting to write about themselves. Also, it is dumb "bloglaughs" that you are like WE ARE A SERVICE TO HELP PEOPLE FIND FUNNY BLOGS TO READ if you are just going to shit-talk blogs and call them unfunny.
Anyway, Raymi whoa quit dissing people who got sandwiches thrown at them. That was totally me. I actually have a video from highschool where I am talking and and midsentance I get a muffin chucked at me which is pretty hilarious. The guy who throws it tho later died in car accident so it is kinda like sad but also you are like that guy was a jerk.
Melissa, at February 05, 2007 11:56 AM
I think you bitches are proving their point.
Immature, poorly-written drivel anyone?
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 11:57 AM
We've done more than 100 reviews and most of them were positive.
BlogLaughs, at February 05, 2007 12:00 PM
congratulations for finding the time to sit around and pat each other on the back for recycling the exact same opinions.
grammar and punctuation? referencing e.e. cummings? wow the originality of your complaints is stunning.
it is an indictment upon your own intelligence if you can't understand the quality of raymi's writing - shit, you don't have to like it, but if you don't get it you can't help but betray your own limited capacities (and you most certainly are a narrow-minded unoriginal cock).
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 12:08 PM
we are purposely having conversations here you fartsmeller.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 12:26 PM
I am far from "anonymous". My blog is right on the sidebar--->
See it?
Certifiable Princess.
Incidentally, I am bipolar as well. We have that in common, however, I don't see where that entitles one to ignore punctuation. Run on sentences are not "the thing" for many people with bipolar disorder. I would like you to refrain from that ridiculous stereotype.
I am an author, a writer for several major magazines, an established writer of erotic literature and a nurse. I am far from uneducated by any means. As far as being a "fatty". Yes, I am larger than you, but not obese by any means. Single and lonely forever? I think not. I have a loving and devoted husband and have never been at a lack for suitors (male or female for that matter) in my entire life.
The bottomline is, your blog does not appeal to everyone. If I were you, I wouldn't take the criticism as the end all, be all of the universe. Obviously, you write your blog for YOU, not the rest of us, don't you? Why be so critical because others don't like your blog? My blog is very popular, over 100,000 hits a year, Google Page Rank 5 and a large readership. Yet, I don't define my blog by what others think of it. Sometimes, they read it for a good laugh. Other times, I am not going for the ha ha effect.
The point of blogging is staying true to yourself. If staying true to yourself includes shrugging your shoulders and saying, oh well...can't please everyone, then so be it!
Incidentally, I am NOT a fan of Dooce. I think she is probably one of the most overrated bloggers on the net. There are others out there FAR more deserving than she. Her time has come and gone. When she was originally "Dooced" she was a good read. Beyond that, she became rather boring. I don't find her amusing and I think her diarist skills are sorely lacking. I didn't vote positively for her when it came to being ranked here.
Incidentally? I have never had a sandwich thrown at me. However, if I had, I would hope it would be one I liked. A nice tuna with lettuce and onions would make a terrific mess, but my oh my, it would be a joy to lick up!
CP - Never anonymous, sometimes opinionated, always right.
CP, at February 05, 2007 12:37 PM
that "stereotype" ridiculous or not i started it, that's how i write i don't have the time or patience to punctuate i write stream of consciously fucking deal with it or don't read my blog. it's funny that when asked would you continue reading my blog mostly everyone hmmd and ha'd and said no well maybe but not often YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. you love to read my blog you love to hate it and hate me but still you read it you can't stop yourself and you hate yourself for not being able to stop, the fucking end.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 12:49 PM
Punctuation is over-rated!?.,; if someone wants to write without it, than more power to them. The grammar police aren't a real force, despite their many constables that seem to be out here on the interweb ready to pounce all over people who shun their laws. Its not like the inappropriate placement of an exclamation mark is going to make a sentence impossible to read! (oh no, that was more of a question... i hear sirens) if i thought i could blog half as cool as raymi i wouldn't be posting as anonymous here, but lack of account not cowardice leaves me no other option... she is a more refreshing read than reading this review blog and its misguided advice
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 12:51 PM
JBoombostick, at February 05, 2007 12:52 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Krista, at February 05, 2007 1:05 PM
Raymi, love?
I hate to tell you this. I've been to your blog twice. Ever.
Once, during the Blog awards and once during this review. I have never went back, desired to return or had Raymi cravings so strong that they pulled me up from my bed in the middle of the night just to get a quick fix.
Your blog is lovely. To YOUR readers. That is THEIR opinion. It is just not MY opinion, nor is it the opinion of several others who are regulars at BlogLaughs.
The real matter at hand is...why do you care so much what we, the fat bitches who had sandwiches thrown at us in highschool, think?
Your self-esteem is obviously well intact, or you would not be able to post pictures of yourself on your blog. You seem to be very comfortable with who you are...up until the point that I see you here, fighting tooth and nail to get our opinion of you to change.
Does it matter that much to you?
I know it never matters to me what others think of me. Sure, I like to make a good impression, the same as anyone else, but if people can't see me for who I am then, begone with your ass. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I didn't like your blog, Raymi. You may not like mine. I found yours completely unrelatable to me. You will probably think the same of mine. Doesn't mean I hate you or wouldn't rescue you from a fire if you were burning to death.
Simply means I don't care for your writing style...Jack Kerouac's descendant or not. I was reading his work long before you were even a thought in your momma's ovary. He was actually a very big influence on my poetry styling. And, while he is of French Candian descent, let's try to remember that he was born in Massachussetts. He grew up in Queens, NY, where I grew up and he also died very close where I live, in St. Petersburg, Florida.
I have a deep respect for the man and his work.
I am related to the actress, Lainie Kazan but it hardly makes me an actress. I don't really get your point there.
Neither here nor there. I suppose my point is, learn to suck it up. Let the criticism and the naysayers become a very secondary force in your life. You are a strong, young and seemingly intelligent person. Why continue to waste your time?
CP, at February 05, 2007 1:50 PM
fuck you need to prove yourself a lot giving explanations to shit never asked. i have a right to defend myself over such a scathing post and you're a a fucking liar for saying you went to my blog only twice. thanks for remidning me about jack's heritage something that did not require reminding i don't know why you felt it necessary to tie yourself into that equation. you are arrogant and condescending. my point to that whole jk relation thing is people see similarites betwix our writing style, that is all and you are a mongoloid if you ignore that similarity. i'm done.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 2:04 PM
If anyone went to my site and got together with a bunch of other randos... who all decided to write about how shit they thought it was... well hell yeah I'd be pissed. You can't blame Raymi for being insulted that you tore apart her creation without her signing up and asking for your opinions. You can't blame Raymi's readers for coming here and being insulted by your generalizations of who reads her site, who it appeals to etc. Geeeeeeeeeeeeez.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 2:12 PM
Darlin? Anyone who knows anything about me knows I don't lie. I embellish, but I don't lie. I have been to your blog TWICE.
It never made that much of an impression on me to go back a third and fourth time.
And yes, Raymi. I need to prove myself to you. My Bachelor's degree in English, my Associates degree in Human Services, My Associates of Science in Nursing, my two published books, my position as state president of Phi Theta Kappa for two years running, my multiple published magazine articles, my successful husband and children, etc., that doesn't prove it for me. You're right. Please tell me how I can go about impressing you! I need to know or I swear, I won't sleep tonight!
Then again, my willingness to engage you in a obviously unmatched battle of wits...now THAT'S all the proof this bitch can hope for. My bad. What was I thinking? *sarcasm*
Raymi, I was not being condescending. I was being honest. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then maybe a trip back to school is in order. I am never condescending. Actually, I am a very open-minded and caring individual, but you are now pissing in my proverbial Cheerio's and I'm not too pleased.
Incidentally, you don't corner the market on JK's heritage simply because you are a long lost fourth cousin seven times removed. Those of us who put our heart and soul into our writing, who give truth and meaning to every word...those are the people who are living the legacy.
Now, if you would like to be one of them...join in! JK was a HIGHLY criticized poet/author. He never had tantrums and little infantile shitfits over people offering criticism of his work. Why, even Truman Capote said his work was "not writing" but rather "just typing".
Good enough for TC? Good enough for CP.
Now, please stop saying "I'm done", when you obviously feel compelled to keep me so deeply engaged in your rapture.
*more sarcasm*
How about we simply agree that we are all entitled to our differences in opinions? You can go write a WHOLE article about how much I suck, if it will make you feel better and I PROMISE not to comment about it, 'kay? Would that make you feel all happy and sunshiney once again?
Please, let me know, as I have nothing but your happiness at heart.
CP, at February 05, 2007 2:39 PM
I'm with Mr. Fab... make mine braunschwager and smoked provolone with horseradish and onions on toasted marble rye!
Ooh, I bet he's got a huge schwanzstukker!
Maven, at February 05, 2007 3:05 PM
PS: This isn't apropos of anything, yet somehow or another, I felt I had to excrete it here.
Atop my pile, I envision it to have a kewpie doll curlicue.
Maven, at February 05, 2007 3:13 PM
Is "I have never went back" proper grammar? Nope it ain't.
Robin Alexa, at February 05, 2007 3:17 PM
WTF is going on in here?
Um, not to be an ass or anything, but wasn't this review REQUESTED? You can't really request a review and then be pissed if you don't like the outcome!!
And who gives a shit what we think anyway? Holy shit on a stick, people, take a Valium.
Webmiztris, at February 05, 2007 3:23 PM
binsk - Are we being graded on grammar? I wasn't sure. I thought I was having a conversation. I also wasn't one of the people who was uptight about her grammar so much as I was dismayed about her saying run on sentences was a bipolar trait.
It isn't.
Now, bye. Really. Just bye.
I don't think Raymi needs an attorney. She's a bright girl. She can speak for herself.
CP, at February 05, 2007 3:24 PM
WM - Unlike it2m, I don't think reviews here are requested. I think you CAN ask for one, but for the most part, I don't believe anyone asks for their review. This is the Blog author's attempt to find the best humor on the web. Some people may volunteer their blogs. I chose not to. It would be pointless, as most of the blog reviewers are also my friends.
I also stay away from reviewing blogs that belong to my friends. For example, when Mr. Fab's review came up, I declined to participate because I knew I wouldn't be able to be anything but loving towards his blog. Same thing applied to Overheard in New York. I like to be objective and simply can't where people I love are involved.
Although, I am able to say, "that dress/those pants make you look fat". I may be loving, but I refuse to be embarassed. *L*
CP, at February 05, 2007 3:29 PM
Wanna know what I think this thread needs? More cowbell!
Maven, at February 05, 2007 3:29 PM
stop saying im done? i said it once. cp i remember you from back when the weblog awards shit was happening, you are exactly as long-winded and delusional now as you were then. stop telling me about your awards degrees magazine writings, i don't care, you are not interesting. i don't recall requesting to be reviewed either, if so i must have been on a me-high. it is very suspicious that every "single" review here does not overlap the opinion of the one prior to it or following therefore one can only assume that this is the work of a very small few, where are the links in this post to each person's blog, names? email addresses? in the words of fucking o'reilly NOT BUY IT.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 3:37 PM
also i never said that all people who are bipolar use run-on sentences, it is something that i merely do, i am manic depressive as well and my brain functions quite fast too fast sometimes, way to make everything about you, AGAIN. what magazine do you write for BORINGWIFE MONTHLY ?
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 3:40 PM
First, I'd like to say that I haven't had sandwiches thrown at me...but I have had human feces flung at me on many occasions.
Second, a note to Raymi. Sweetie, I'm one of the blog reviewers, but I didn't review your blog. I wish I had so I could tell you how much you suck. Don't get me wrong. You're hot and I would totally tap you, but geez! Just get over it and move on.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 05, 2007 3:48 PM
I took a closer look at your pictures, and I changed my mind. You're not hot. But you still suck.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 05, 2007 3:52 PM
Well Jesus, Girl! Now I know what's wrong with you!
You watch The O'Reilly Factor!
You know, I believe your relative, the infamous Jack Kerouac once said:
“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”
With that said, keep doing great things and stay the hell away from our popular opinion! Don't you give into the likes of us, the Fatty/Forty Club! You just do you, Raymi. Go on, Girl! You do you! Get on with your bad self.
I am not boring. I am bored, Raymi. Big difference. Bored with you, bored with this conversation and moreover, bored with listening to you defend or justify your position as a human being over and over again.
You exist! You do! We all hear you/see you! You are an entity on this planet! You are not the remnants that dripped down your mothers thigh when your father pulled out! Hooray! Raymi lives! RAYMI LIVES!!!!!
Stop by my blog sometime! We can chat and share our stories of greatness! (Mine may be longer, since I have about 20 years on you!)
CP, at February 05, 2007 4:00 PM
you are fugly your blog is embarrassingly campy and your opinions are meaningless.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 4:00 PM
MD - stop it. she's cute in that carefree, hippie chic sort of way. like, kate moss before all the coke. you have to give the girl that much, if nothing else.
CP, at February 05, 2007 4:02 PM
i am not an o'reilly fan at all you are so arrogant and blinded by it that you THINK i would actually be a fan of that fuck. ok this is turning to shit i thought MAYBE some of you were smart, i was wrong.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 4:03 PM
Damn Raymi. And I just got done saying how cute you are! You think I'm fugly? Dear God. I'm devastated. Let me crawl back under my rock.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to attend to, a family to feed and a porn site to run.
Ciao, Bella.
CP, at February 05, 2007 4:04 PM
Oh dear lord. You people first of all attack Raymi's site, her appearance, her writing, her life... then when she defends herself you attack her some more! Wow. You pretty much exclusively suck. That's right. You guys suck so much that the rest of the world has ceased to suck because if we added your intense sucking to the general sucking pool, the planet would CEASE TO EXIST. Because it would get sucked into itself. So thanks for making the world outside of your lives a less sucky place. I'm sorry that your families can't escape your intense suckery, but they're probably used to it. Now, I'm going to go outside and chase squirrels in this brand spanking new non-sucking world that's left for the rest of us!
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 4:07 PM
but are you fast enough to CATCH the squirrels? 'cause that'd be hot.
Derek Knight, at February 05, 2007 4:09 PM
i was talking to that dickhead, you posted before i was done writing.
Raymi Lauren, at February 05, 2007 4:11 PM
Probably not. We don't have squirrels in this country. But perhaps in this new non-sucking world... I'll look out the window and see... a squirrel!?!?!.. ... ... nope, just a silver van... *runs outside to chase the van!*
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 4:14 PM
"Raymi, I was not being condescending. I was being honest. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then maybe a trip back to school is in order. I am never condescending..."
The next thing CP is going to tell us is that she's also never ironical!
I love how she says she has nothing to prove but then goes on to list her pedigree.
This blog is a 9.9 on the wank scale. Suburban moms like CP come here to take a break from posting their pedestrian fare to hate and throw daggers at writers who are actually willing to take a stylistic RISK.
TRUE, at February 05, 2007 4:15 PM
Raymi, you can insult me. You can insult the other commenters here. But I'll be DAMNED if I sit here while you insult THE MIGHTY BLOG!!!!
I know your game. Go away, attention whore.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 05, 2007 4:25 PM
personally, from me, a person who has actually met raymi before, you guys are fucking douchebags.
raymi is awesome, and very wickedly talented.
do you all still live at home? in your parents basements, perhaps?
if you are going to "review" blogs, don't you have to have some sort of experience blogging? but no balls to link your comments about someone else's blog back to your own pidddling drivel?
fuck. so lame.
Heather , at February 05, 2007 4:29 PM
I agree. Tuna sandwiches are delicious.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 4:57 PM
Just starve yourself Raymi. I like how you summarized that fat girls are easy to control and you didn't want Fil to do that to you so you restricted that day.
Your so immature. Get a fucking job.
And no I'm not fat, I'm skinnier than you.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 5:25 PM
I just read Raymi's blog for the pictures of her tits. I'm not kidding, either. As soon as she won that award, tit pix dropped right off.
Tits for hits. It works!
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 7:23 PM
CP comes across as trying way too hard to sound unhurt by what are likely accurate characterizations of her girth and lack of intelligence. You people visited a website, wrote a shallow and anonymized review of it. You're surprised when people call you out? Funny how critics can't take criticism.
This website and its "reviewers" are arrrogant and pathetic. Arrogant because you don't have an ounce of creativity, yet somehow you leap to the assumption that you can legitimize other people's endeavors. Pathetic because, after your link runs off Raymi's page, the only people who will care about your opinions are you.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 8:23 PM
OK, let me get this straight, Raymi gets a negative review of her site, that she DIDN'T ask for, by a bunch of bloggers that aren't held accountable for their comments in any way, and when she comes over to defend herself, or is pissed about the fact that it's anonymous, SHE'S the asshole and attention whore? Man, if I were her, I'd be pretty pissed too. Also, to critique a blog based on grammer is pretty fucking stupid, if you ask me. Christ, it's just a blog, an online diary, lighten up and get a life.
P.S. I love her blog and I take offense to people stating that she shows her tits for hits. The way I understand it, she got plenty of hits, whether or not she showed her boobs. And again, who really gives a fuck if she showed her boobies anyway?
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 8:38 PM
Charles Bukowski often ignored punctuation. And also created some new once as well. Besides. Stop being sucha literary police. Let people fucking type however they wish. It's like telling an artist how to paint. No such thing.
You like the way I type? No didn't think so. I was too busy hanging out with friends smoking cigarettes getting drunk then go to school.
anonymous you probably look like regurgitated vomit and have the intelligence of a fruit fly.
Sweden, at February 05, 2007 10:43 PM
CP, if you are so accomplished with your degrees from Devry's and your articles for what I can only assume is readers digest (what is your name, I have access to various journal databases and would LOVE to look you up) don't you have better things to do with your time than review blogs? One with such accolades, such as you, would be researching their next article, OR PERHAPS WORKING. You are just bitter that you were not nominated and that your desperate housewife friend did not win.
oh, and for the record cp, regardless of whether or not you have a blog on the left side of this blog you are still hiding behind a moniker. You’re just pissing on raymi because you have issues!
You’re fat, disgusting and bitter – be careful, being that angry at things you cannot control wears heavily on your face, grandma.
Anonymous, at February 05, 2007 10:53 PM
looks like raymi brought the high school over. she does that. the fact that she took the time to link your review and go on and on about how she is so...
just shows how pathetically insecure she is sitting at home not willing to work and blog for identity. *yawn*
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 4:34 AM
Raymi is desperate and untalented!haha..see? other people see you for the useless twat that you are, unlike the insipid sheep that triple voted for your dubious award..and i dont just think you're a waste of possible talent with your delusions i actually feel sorry for you...your mom was obviously some kind of whore/floozy influence on you..god, please advise the old hag that people want to see her bloated boobies as much as your deformed nipples. and the keroac thing? lol get over it... i can hear your family newsletters now "our grandfathers harvey firestone and henry ford used to go on annual camping trips with jesus,john lennon and mother theresa, they called themselves the Vagabonds, and they invented the internet", now here's some gratuitious titty pics of all the females in our families from little baby becca to gramma oprah. "
tee-hee kisses.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 6:41 AM
DONT LIKE THE RAYMI'S BLOG????? DONT FUCKING READ IT! its as simple as pie, you cunt fucks.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 7:03 AM
First off, "grammer" (sic) and quality of writing is only 5 percent of the final score. It's not a big deal.
Thanks to CP and the other reviewers who have joined the fray. I appreciate a two-sided debate.
Most of our reviews are not requested by the author. I'm sure Raymi knew about the review prior to it being posted. I would have gladly pulled it if she had asked.
Thing is, I think it's pretty obvious she and her readers get off on this sort of thing.
Nothing like raising your fists to fight the man! That's cool.
I've mentioned this before, but we really don't care about the traffic. We do this as a service to help people find decent blogs.
If you disagree with our reviews, you are free to voice your opinion. Your opinion is just as valid as ours.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 8:41 AM
excuse me i was not aware of my mom being brought into this fucking war prior to your fucking review that is absolutely shady and i am disgusted by how low this has sunk. remove this entire fucking post beginning with that comment, how dare you allow that! nice fucking review. my family has nothing to do with my blog nor this review.
Raymi Lauren, at February 06, 2007 8:49 AM
just for balance, i thought i'd mention i find raymitheminx a good read, despite being on the wrong (right?) side of 50. just visit regularly for a while, then all you sceptics might "get" it.
aka k, at February 06, 2007 8:50 AM
Cackle, the very fact that this is CP's second attempt at attacking Raymi does make you wonder what her hidden agenda is! As for her bringing high school over here, people (mostly fans) defending her is the least they can do to show their appreciation for updating a blog several times a day for FREE! She only recently (within the last month or so) put ads up on her blog after many, many years.
It is like any case of fanboy-dom - we appreciate her and her blog and yes, feel that compassionate towards it so, naturally we are going to take offence when random ANONYMOUS (and deny it all you want but you are all just names on a screen who are not held accountable for anything you say) people bash on her for no other reason but, what I can only assume is, to get a rise out of her. If all your reviews have been positive and it is a claim that was made countless times then why on earth would you publish something so negative? If you want to find good blogs then why would you point your readers in the direction of Raymi's blog if it encompasses everything you despise about blogging?
If CP is as mature as she tries so very hard to come across as being then she should have at least raised a red flag about the drama that was created last time but considering last time her and all her Wysteria Lane friends enjoyed the drama and fed off of it I’m not at all surprised that she is one of the forerunners in spewing, unnecessarily long, verbal diarrhea in these comments trying to justify the fact that her life is lacking something and she fills that void by putting down others. But hey, what can you expect from someone who’s esteem is so low (she will deny this) that she has to feed upon this drama, months after her first attack, like it was the last piece of food on earth.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 8:56 AM
We reviewed this blog because it recently won a contest. That's one of the ways we find "good" blogs.
Any type of reviewer that only gives positive reviews loses all credibility.
Like I said, you are more than welcome to disagree. However, turning this around, *your* opinion is no more valid than ours.
And Raymi, I didn't see where anyone mentioned your family, but you don't have any right to ask me to remove a post. Too late.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 9:41 AM
Recently? IF YOU ARE FINDING GOOD BLOGS THEN WHY WOULD YOU GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO SEND PEOPLE TO "BAD" BLOGS? You do not have any credibility to lose, so I do not see why you are so concerned about that.
ps - the comments about her family is in cackles post
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 9:48 AM
"Can you remove my blog from the review list?
Absolutely. The last thing we want to do is cause anyone any kind of stress. This is all in fun. If your blog is scheduled for an upcoming review, and you do not want your blog reviewed, just let us know and we'll remove it from the list."
I know this is the review list, but she did ask to have it removed so you should respect her wishes, but if you don't, I can see why because look at the comments on this entry compared to other entries.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 9:56 AM
Again, I don't care about comments or traffic.
She didn't ask for it to be removed until some random person talked shit about her mom!
She's sly like a fox, folks. She knows some of you get off on this and she's playing you.
As far as I'm concerned, the review is validated with every immature comment you people make. Like I said, feel free.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 10:05 AM
If you didn't care about traffics then why would you go as far as to install a site metre?
There is a difference between attacking her and then bringing her mother into things. Her mother didn't have anything to do with this, so asking that this be removed because it has sunk so low is valid and the fact that you are allowing this to continue just shows that this isn't about her blog it is about some lame agenda most of you have against her because she beat lame blogs in an equally lame contest.
Out of the reviewers who responded to this a majority of them can probably be tied back to the 4 or 5 that started the last pissing contest on the desperate housewife's blog.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 10:11 AM
remove cackle's comment. you guys clearly have a vendetta against me. so i am allowed to have my review removed before the review is even made but once it is i can't have it removed? do i have the ability to look into the future? you know this has become twisted and the fact you are backing it is just pathetic. you didn't see where anyone mentioned family? bullshit. look up a few comments
"Raymi is desperate and untalented!haha..see? other people see you for the useless twat that you are, unlike the insipid sheep that triple voted for your dubious award..and i dont just think you're a waste of possible talent with your delusions i actually feel sorry for you...your mom was obviously some kind of whore/floozy influence on you..god, please advise the old hag that people want to see her bloated boobies as much as your deformed nipples. and the keroac thing? lol get over it... i can hear your family newsletters now "our grandfathers harvey firestone and henry ford used to go on annual camping trips with jesus,john lennon and mother theresa, they called themselves the Vagabonds, and they invented the internet", now here's some gratuitious titty pics of all the females in our families from little baby becca to gramma oprah. "
tee-hee kisses."
these are all personal attacks and totally off the point of your "reviews" of blogs. what i'd like to know is what do you fucks do all day for a living eh what makes you think you're so much better than me and what the fuck did i do to you personally? nothing. you're sad all of you. you will never ever surpass me in the blogging world and that is YOUR fault, not mine.
Raymi Lauren, at February 06, 2007 10:46 AM
I have a sitemeter to keep up with who is coming here and why. The numbers are meaningless.
I don't see where this review was an "attack" either. Perhaps some of our people went too far to describe how much they don't like this blog, but it wasn't an attack.
As for attacks here in the comments section, I believe you can count those up and see who has made more.
Most of us had never heard of Raymi's blog until it came up for review. I know I had never heard of it before it won the Canadian blog awards. And that's the only reason I put it on the list.
I don't know if your conspiracy theories about jealousy and all of that hold water. I think it's pretty obvious our reviewers don't really give a shit about Raymi's blog.
One of the reviewers said he/she was "too old" to understand the appeal of raymitheminx. I think that probably says more than anything.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 10:52 AM
Cackle's comment is just as valid as yours. Why do you think you can talk shit about people but they can't talk shit about you?
(And BTW, I honestly didn't see it until someone mentioned which comment it was from.)
We don't have a vendetta against you. We just don't think your blog is all that great!
Personally, I don't care about your standing in the "blogging world" either. If your blog makes you and your readers happy, that's all that matters.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 11:00 AM
youe cop-out responses are irritating. my "attacks" are reactions to all the shit that wassaid about me on this blog, completely feasible. anyway for the record i never saw my mother drink or do drugs ever growing up. goodbye.
Raymi Lauren, at February 06, 2007 11:06 AM
It's bloglaughs blog. They can run their blog however they want.
The things that bloglaughs didnt like about Raymi's blog may or may not be what her fans *do like* about her blog. Either way it's true.
Raymi uses run-ons. Raymi doesn't like to worry about puncutation and capitalization. Raymi's template is not organized in an real way. Ect.
Those are undisputed facts. That is what her blog is like.
It's a matter of personal taste, and some people like raymi's blog, and some people don't.
Bloglaughs didn't like her blog, and that is OK. Life will go on, and all the people who love her blog are entitled to continue doing so.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:23 AM
My "cop-out responses" are irritating to you because I don't disagree with you. Our group may not care for your blog but you have every right to disagree.
Of course, you and your fans haven't put up much of an argument. You've mainly just said, "You guys suck!"
That's fine too, but it would have come off better if you could have explained why your blog is what it is instead of just lashing out.
I also hope you know Cackle pushed that particular button about your mom because he/she knew you'd get pissed, right?
I have no idea why that bothers you (and, quite frankly, don't want to know), but you can't let shit like that get you down.
I am genuinely sorry this review and the subsequent comments have upset you. I know you'll never believe me, but that was never our intention. We've done more than 100 of these things and none of them have turned out remotely like this.
The only reason I'm going to keep this post and all of the comments up is to remind us what can happen when people get pissed off about the things we write.
I talk a lot about people taking our reviews with a grain of salt, but I know I'd be a bit unnerved if the shoe were on the other foot.
We need to find a solution to this problem. Thanks for giving us a reason to change.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 11:27 AM
Most review sites do REQUESTED REVIEWS and from my understanding, this review was not requested, so tell me again why she's not supposed to be upset? I know if people were talking shit about my blog on an unsolicited review, I'd be pissed. And to say she could have requested to have her blog removed from the cue is a fucking cop out. Maybe you should rethink this site a bit.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:28 AM
She has every right to be upset.
The "request to be removed" thing has been here from the beginning. I don't know how that's a cop-out.
Thanks for your opinion.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 11:33 AM
a few things are now evident:
raymi can't defend herself without asking for help from her readers.
raymi is unable to take a bad review with a grain of salt.
raymi must recognize the truths stated in the review, because of her inability to "let it go"
raymi was voted "best humor blog" but is clearly unable to take a joke. (how ironic)
raymi has nothing to do all day but google search her own name.
what a loser raymi is.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:34 AM
some anonymous commenters are assholes too :)
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:40 AM
It's a cop out because she never asked to be reviewed in the first place, so you're placing the burdon of removal on her or anyone else unlucky enough to be reviewed on this site. Jesus, some of us don't spend all day googling our site or names. Clear?
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:40 AM
I understand your point, but it's normally not that big of a deal. Most reviews are positive and negative.
I don't think this is our lowest score, but we've never had a review with this many negative comments from our reviewers.
Still, like the anonymous commenter several places up mentioned, "Those are undisputed facts."
(Nice comment, BTW.)
Did we go too far? Yes.
Should I have used all of those comments in the review? No.
Will we look at ways to avoid this situation again? Yes.
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 11:49 AM
you do not have to ask permission to review something, dumbass.
and who cares if it stays or it goes?
what is the worst thing that can happen? That someone might click the link and look at her blog?!?! GASP!
doesnt anyone know there is a war going on?
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 11:50 AM
i never google myself it showed up in my stats yesterday and my JOB is to blog all day long, to live, do stupid shit and write about it i am not going to apologize ever for having that luxury. a part of my blogging routine/life whathaveyou is defending myself daily, commenting on other blogs and pointing things out to my readers, this is nothing new. i never said you guys suck i am just dissapointed with how this turned out, if the majority of the comments weren't anonymous and if others had their own lives exposed for ME to have a chance to criticize them, then it would be fair, but it isn't and i'm use to this treatment very much by now so don't worry i'm not crying over it. if it wasn't for people like me giving you all this material to work with, this bloglaughs blog wouldn't have a reason to exist, all i'm saying is you put your life out there, failures and all of it out there for several years, and see how it feels and what it's like. it's called compassion, learn it.
Raymi Lauren, at February 06, 2007 11:51 AM
Raymi wants compassion now?
Listen dear, you can only control yourself, you cannot control others.
you didn't get an awesome review from a blog you never heard before. Who Cares?
your job is to defend yourself? ok good luck with that. i suggest you quit that job and try and get a job not caring what others say about you. in america we learn that in kindergarden.
and no one asked you to apologize for your "blog lifestyle". It's not your fault you're too lazy to do more than self-publishing.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:00 PM
Actually, I think it's pretty cool that you blog for a living.
Most of us blog while we're supposed to be working. :)
BlogLaughs, at February 06, 2007 12:15 PM
I didn't see any posts on her site bitching about how she's won some crappy award a while back. I'm assuming she didn't nominate herself for that award - though after reading all her ego-centric bullshit I'm not sure we could put it past her.
So why the "wah wah you suk fatties!" when another type of review gives her...err...the opposite of an award? You're "famous," of a sort, now, sweetie. You're going to have to learn that not everyone is going to worship at the altar of your flat-tiddie emoness, that some people might not like your blog, and that they have just as much right to put that opinion out there, anonymous or otherwise.
Besides, it's pretty much the same 5 people up there in the comments defending her. Which is pretty sad.
But please, by all means, keep defending yourself on. #1, you do have every right to respond to any review of your site - positive or negative. and #2, it's funny as hell.
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 12:15 PM
What does being lazy have to do with anything? Would you call Dooce lazy because she can afford to be a full-time blogger? Raymi supports herself, it should be none of your business if that is self-publishing (which is A LOT more work than it looks) or working 9-5.
btw - just because something is taught in America doesn't make it God's law. You probably grew up with a lot of negativity surrounding you which is why you HAD to learn to not care about what others think or it would interfer with living. There are some of us who can function whilst caring about how others perceive us. There is nothing wrong in caring what others think about you.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:23 PM
to evilsciencechick,
she nominated herself and literally begged for people who read her site to go and vote, double vote, and tripple vote if they could.
i bet anyone can win that award if they admittedly sit at home all day and hit the vote button every few minutes.
and i agree, winning the award puts her in the spotlight enough to get unsolicited reviews. if you don't want attention, then don't enter and beg to win contests.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:24 PM
"Not caring" about commas and letters in caps sure seems lazy.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:26 PM
evilsciencechick, what is funny as hell is the fact you're sitting at a computer when clearly you should be at the gym.
The only reason you have "tiddies" is because you're fat.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:29 PM
oh christ, really?
and since apparently only 5 people are available to do her bidding, that's a lot of people staying home to click the "vote" button.
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 12:30 PM
yeah, I am.
terrible that I have big breasts, as having them is such a stigma in today's society. nobody likes big breasts :(
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 12:32 PM
Not caring to move your finger to that little comma or shift key doesn't make one lazy. Lazy is driving, when you can walk instead. Or eating microwaved food. I must commend Raymi because if the only thing that is wrong with her blog is the fact she leaves out punctuation then she is still eons a head of the majority of you.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:34 PM
Didn't say nobody liked big breasts, nobody likes fat pigs attached to them though. Leave it to the people here to twist and mince words to their liking.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:35 PM
yeah. I'm lucky I get a pity fuck from my husband now and then.
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 12:39 PM
Nah, I've seen him too, he's a monster too. If you have kids you may be a prime candidate for "honey, we're killing the kids"
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 12:41 PM
yes. I wish we were both skinny so that our opinions would be as valid as yours.
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 12:44 PM
the people at weblog awards were putting me up against dooce regardless they emailed me about it i did not beg, i reminded people to vote for me otherwise i would take my blog down, i deserved to win i've been around the longest. now it's your turn i don't care.
Raymi Lauren, at February 06, 2007 12:55 PM
If we all can't just agree to disagree, the terrorists have won.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 1:22 PM
Raymi. Amateur. Child. You are so bummed out about this review. Had you not been so FRIGEN stupid and linked it on your site and had all the high schoolers come crashing over here it would have made very, very little impact on the millions upon millions of readers in blogland. You started this whole thing. They did a review. Anyone can do a review. Is it that so many people were involved with this review the veins on your neck are popping out?
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 1:59 PM
If I did not have children about Raymi's age (in my estimation - they're 11 and 14 - am I close?), I'd be pretty dang disappointed in the new generation right now. What a pathetic string of comments. I had to stop reading after "do you all still live at home?" Dang right I live at home and plan on living at home for most of my life. Where the heck do *you* live, under the bridge?
BTW I saw the site, didn't love it, respected the awards, was going to post a review along the lines of "this is not my cup of tea, but nicely done". I didn't do it, because I procrastinate and because my whole family was down with a nasty cold. Maybe the extra point that I would've given Raymi's blog would've stopped her and her fans from going over the edge. O well, that didn't happen.
Another thing to add, I found some quality blogs through BlogLaughs, this blog generates good leads and for that I am thankful.
Goldie, at February 06, 2007 2:18 PM
Blogging is Raymi's JOB?? I want to meet the idiot who actually pays her to blog. If she makes more than three cents a day, somebody's being robbed.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 06, 2007 3:54 PM
evilsciencechick, you mentioned raymi's appearance i thought it only fair to mention yours.
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 4:53 PM
yeah, I don't flash my boobies on my blog, though.
TALK about them, yes. flash them, no.
evilsciencechick, at February 06, 2007 5:02 PM
I think your review criterion is sort of fucking lame. I do realize it is completely fucking subjective, but--and let's face it really, Raymi has the innate ability to do what you and most people consider THE WRONG WAY TO BLOG, but she does it with fucking style. There is absolutely no way in hell she'd maintain her audience if she couldn't because tit shots only go so far. Also, fuck yourself with a mason jar. I'm a dirty cunt.
S., at February 06, 2007 7:05 PM
Sabrina - All I heard there was BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 06, 2007 8:38 PM
Sabrina - All I heard there was BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Mighty Dyckerson, at February 06, 2007 8:41 PM
WAIT! You can hear typing? Use of wrong word, I give you 2.4
Anonymous, at February 06, 2007 9:03 PM
sabrina's rant was ahhhhh the rant of an idiot IQ. Perhaps she could have used more profanities to make her point. sheeesh.
Anonymous, at February 07, 2007 4:36 AM
I guess it's only fair that I show myself, but as a bonus I'll also divulge which comments were mine:
“There were a couple of funny gems in the writing, but my scoring is weighing heavily on the nice pictures.”
“I like the background, and the colors work well with this girl's personality. The only thing I hope she changes is how the text is aligned. Widen that shit up!”
“It's a bit rambling at times. However, I'm also a fan of blogs that carry a conversational tone, which contributed to my score.”
“I liked the pictures, but it took some time for them all to load. I'd suggest narrowing the scope of the main page and using the archives feature to your advantage. All the GIF's in the sidebar didn't help things either.”
“I won't be reading this blog regularly. It wasn't bad though, and I suggest others to have a look, because I can see it having some appeal for certain people -- just not me.”
I think by now that all the commenters and lurkers can agree that this thing needs to be done and buried.
Jay, at February 07, 2007 10:48 AM
dear blog portland,
that was very gracious of you to reveal which comments belonged to you.
yes this need to be done and burried.
don't feel bad bloglaughs, raymi "acts" mad and "hurt" but she loves the attention and the drama.
this all feeds into her "everyone is obsessed with me" shtick.
Anonymous, at February 07, 2007 3:57 PM
After all of this, I've got agida.
Maven, at February 07, 2007 5:37 PM
Hey portland! I wanna know what you said about my blog!
lalalalala :-)
RevRee, at February 07, 2007 5:47 PM
it's quite sweet that you are all such experts on me. and blog portland that's a lot of comments, as previously assumed that most of the reviews came from a limited number of people, i was right. i don't act hurt, i was hurt, this turned nasty and i didn't ask for any of it.
Raymi Lauren, at February 08, 2007 8:11 AM
I don't really agree with you that anything I said was hurtful, but then again I suppose your ideas about my ideas are no less valid than my ideas. However, I can't deny that things did turn a bit nasty. Not that this horrid string of comments is helping anything though.
Jay, at February 08, 2007 11:29 AM
Raymi sez: "my JOB is to blog all day long, to live, do stupid shit and write about it"
Wow, you mean you can be a PROFESSIONAL attention whore??? And still complain when people talk shit about your site, which brings you more traffic?
Anonymous, at February 08, 2007 12:31 PM
if it's her job to blog then it's my job the have a heart beat. she is isanse.
Anonymous, at February 08, 2007 2:31 PM
Sounds like a tantrum to me.
Jay Noel, at February 09, 2007 6:32 AM
Oh please please please review Raymi's mom's blog. It'll be fun watching Raymi's head implode.
Anonymous, at February 09, 2007 9:01 AM
no fucking don't please leave me and my mother alone. what the hell are your moms doing? leave her be she's midlifing it up having fun for fuck sake.
Raymi Lauren, at February 09, 2007 12:31 PM
What I would like to know is what are the reviewers getting out of reviewing other peoples blogs? My Mom has an old saying "If you have nothing nice to say about someone who hasn't done anything to you, don't say it, but if they talk shit about you, punch them in the face," which is why she spends more time in jail than a day at the beauty salon for her big feet.
RC, at February 11, 2007 5:13 AM
Raymi's mom has added something new to her blog - racism! It's great! What's funnier than white people in blackface or old ads featuring "little black sambo". Hi-larious.
Are extra points awarded for being both a racist and a cougar?
Anonymous, at March 08, 2007 10:27 AM
anon is an idiot
I may be a cougar but no racist. Please someone, find anon a hobby!
tkkerouac, at March 28, 2007 2:59 PM
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