
Monday, July 31, 2006

Bloggin’ Bizatch

Bloggin’ Bizatch definitely has some fans among our reviewers, but the lack of capitalization seemed to bother some more than others.

“Writing without capitalization doesn’t make someone special. In fact, it screams, ‘I’m a pathetic loser who yearns to be unique but is failing miserably.’ The quality of Bloggin' Bizatch is lost because of a gimmick.”

“Asking me to review Bloggin' Bizatch is like asking me to review my twin. She is funny. She is delightful. She is a complete goddess. Again, the mirror image of myself. I simply cannot do this fairly. I love her content, love her, and love myself.”

“I like that she writes a variety of subjects, I just don’t find any of it funny.”

“Uninspired ramblings.”

“Decent posts, but not necessarily humorous or witty.”

“Not bad, but kinda boring at times. So she took a dump, so what?”

DESIGN – 6.9
“In general, the design is pretty decent. I hate the main graphic, but I guess it says something about the author.”

“Simple template and guarded use of color. The graphic at the top of the screen is a little large and cluttered to be used as a logo.”

“Masthead is nice.”

“Plain black on white. Perfect.”

“All lowercase is just as annoying as all caps.”

“BB is a lyrical genius. She puts the angry out there while preserving her sexy. I am a big fan. You will not get me to say differently. She is a daily read for me.”

“I guess the quality of writing is OK, but it’s difficult to get through.”

“I marked her down for never using a capital at the beginning of any sentence or title. I can forgive a few misspellings here and there, but this style of zero capital letters is just annoying to me.”

“Liked the writing style!”

“The title ‘Bloggin’ Bizatch’ is really lame. The lack of capitalization makes it extremely difficult to read. The sidebars seem crowded, even though there's technically nothing wrong with them. How's that for an 'intangible?'”

“Capitalization and punctuation obviously are optional to her. And though it's her blog, last time I checked, she wasn't e.e. cummings. As far as I'm concerned, he's the only one who could get away without capitalization or punctuation.”

“I've decided that I don't like it when bloggers don't have a profile about themselves on their blogs. I'm just nosy like that.”

“I would give her my virginity, if I hadn't misplaced it so long ago. Then again, she doesn't respond to her comments as often as I'd like. Hell, she barely responds to them at all. This is where she and I part ways and I am the good twin.”

Bloggin’ Bizatch posts about twice a week.”

“Probably won't.”

“This chick is funny! I'm bookmarking her right now!”

“Her personality is that of a drama mama and an attention whore. Though I don't wish her any ill-will, I'd prefer not read her blog.”

“Already do.”


OVERALL – 60.1
The capitalization issue highlighted lower scores for quality of writing and intangibles, but ultimately those two categories only count for 10 percent of the final score.

“Decent blog, but not noteworthy or funny enough to keep me coming back over and over again.”


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